About the company

Energain is a veteran family business


Implementation of the latest knowledge and technologies in the production processes of enterprises in order to reduce the impact on the environment and increase the carbon neutrality of production.


Redirection of funds spent on excessive energy consumption into the budget for the development and use of carbon-neutral energy.


Effectiveness, impartiality, constancy of results.

History of development

The Energain company, founded in 2016 in Vinnytsia. The main activity was related to the provision of energy inspection services of industrial enterprises, residential and administrative buildings, preparation and support of energy modernization, in particular within the framework of Energodym projects. In 2017, we received the status of a pre-qualified consultant in the areas of Energy efficiency, Resource efficiency of the EBRD.In 2019, the company additionally began to support the construction, and later the direct construction of buildings with ultra-low energy consumption - energy-passive and NZEB.In February 2022, the manager and one of the co-owners was mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces, which slowed down the provision of services.At the end of 2023, activities were resumed in the direction of the production of fuel pellets from wood with a design capacity of 350 tons/month.


Reintegration of veterans

    We are a veteran business that understands and is ready to hire veterans
    Our manufacturing workplaces are mechanized so that a person with musculoskeletal injuries/prosthetics can do the work

Actions within the framework of sustainable development goals


Gender equality due to the availability of jobs, both by organizational measures (at the level of non-discriminatory personnel policy) and technical measures (through the mechanization of processes, which removes restrictions on the presence of significant physical strength and highly specialized qualifications)


Affordable and clean energy through the production of carbon-neutral fuel to replace fossil fuels and the consumption of renewable energy, including for leveling the impact of the CBAM mechanism (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) when exporting products


Decent work and economic growth, in particular due to the level of wages above the average in the region


Industry, innovation and infrastructure through the use of the latest approaches in production processes, a high level of energy efficiency of equipment, the implementation of an energy monitoring and energy management system


Responsible consumption and production through the use of waste from other producers into carbon-neutral fuel


Mitigation of climate change through the production of carbon-neutral fuels to replace fossil fuels and the consumption of renewable energy with energy certificates of origin

Energy efficiency and carbon footprint

    We track the carbon footprint of our products and services and provide data with each shipment
    We have an energy monitoring and energy management system with annual targets for reducing specific energy consumption
    Every year, we increase the share of renewable energy among the consumed energy
    Annual reports can be found here

Quality and trust

From the EBRD Small and Medium Business Support Group, we received the status of a pre-qualified consultant in projects in the areas of: "Energy efficiency / resource efficiency"


Activity in international projects



Conducting consulting projects in the areas of "Energy and resource efficiency" with the support of the EBRD project "Consulting for small and medium-sized businesses"



Conducting energy audits at industrial enterprises, with the support of the GIZ project "Consulting enterprises on energy efficiency"



Engineering support of the First Network of Energy-Efficient Enterprises of the Lviv Region, with the support of the GIZ project and the Lviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry



Training project for energy auditors in Ukraine for large-scale energy modernization of buildings