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Conducting energy audits of industrial enterprises and residential buildings
Industry experience
Production of bread
Baking field bread, production of confectionery products
Processing of milk
Production of milk, cheese, butter, fermented milk products
Meat processing
Meat processing, production of sausages, canned meat products
Fish processing
Fish processing, production of canned fish products
Production of building materials
Production of concrete structures, bulk building materials
Production of machines and mechanisms, metalworking
Energy efficient construction
Private and multi-apartment buildings
Operations of public buildings
Administrative buildings, educational institutions, hospitals, commercial and office centers, best experience
Complex production audit
Energy and resource audit, audit of limitations, training of specialized specialists
Compressed air and vacuum system
● systems of generation, accumulation, preparation, management of compressed air;● energy monitoring and predictive control systems;● heat recovery;
Lighting system
● automation and work according to scenarios of lighting systems;● natural lighting of office and industrial premises;● quality of workplace lighting;
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning system
● boiler houses, fuel use;● mechanical and natural ventilation systems, heat recovery;● natural cooling and air conditioning systems;
Systems of thermal installations
● melting and hardening of metals;● production of polymers;
Electric drive systems
● conveyor systems and connected systems;● management of systems based on demand;
Pump systems
● drive management;● pressure distribution and maintenance systems; ● air conditioning;
Cooling system
● production of industrial cold;● cryogenic installations;
Water use and natural resources
● use of surface runoff;● use of water from surface sources;
Energy generation and conversion systems
● cogeneration systems;● production of cold from thermal energy;● production of technical gases;● energy storage systems;
Production processes
● production of dairy products, bakery products;● processing of meat, fish, vegetables;● mechanical engineering;● production of building materials, concrete;● woodworking;● textile production;
Activity in international projects
Conducting consulting projects in the areas of "Energy and resource efficiency" with the support of the EBRD project "Consulting for small and medium-sized businesses"
Conducting energy audits at industrial enterprises, with the support of the GIZ project "Consulting enterprises on energy efficiency"
Engineering support of the First Network of Energy-Efficient Enterprises of the Lviv Region, with the support of the GIZ project and the Lviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Training project for energy auditors in Ukraine for large-scale energy modernization of buildings